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Tools & Resources

Don't Let Your Dreams Just Be Dreams....

Table of Contents

You definitely need certain tools & resources to succeed in your online business. Here, we outline the essentials and the benefits they offer to your entrepreneurship from inception to completion. That is:

1. Landing page that converts for your offers,

2. Tracking visitors to your links, masking the links in presentable, non-scamming-looking and capturing the actions of your visitors for re-marketing purposes

3. Email marketing allows you to build relationship with your subscribers and avails you the opportunity to re-market same, similar or other products to your list.

These 3 are essential whether you choose to promote products in the ‘Make money niche, Health & wellness, Relationship etc

1 – Landing Page / Sales Funnels:

Sending traffic directly to your Affiliate link is not a highly rewarding long-term idea for your business. It has been proven again and again that using beautifully created landing page or Sales funnels, converts your visitors into Leads and then Customers. You also have the opportunity to use these pages to capture email addresses of visitors to ads or offers.

We strongly recommend Clickfunnels for your maximum business exposure and benefits. Please take advantage of their 14-day Trial period by clicking Here!

Step-by-step tutorials are available on the website.

2 – Track & Optimize

It is equally important you track clicks to your ads so that you can focus on where your most profitable clicks are coming from, scale and grow your business more quickly. Also, the long unfriendly link you obtain from Clickbank and other marketplace needs to be coded and well presented to your visitors, who might be sceptical of the trust worthiness of the raw hoplink.

For this service, our recommendation is strongly with Click Magic. Another unparallel benefit of using Click Magic is, you are able to re-target visitors to your link who did not take action to buy from you at first interactions.

Click Here to claim your 14-day trial of this awesome service

Step-by-step video tutorials are available on the website and 24/7 customer support.

3 – Email Marketing

Email marketing is the use of email to develop relationships with potential customers and/or clients. This allows you to create targeted and/or personalised Ad messages – these are the emails collected through your Landing/Sales pages.

This is crucial in that, most visitors to your offers would not buy the first time they visit. But through your email marketing of same or other offers, they become your buying customers eventually.

There’s quite a number of providers here, but we have shortlisted the best 2, from whom you can choose to subscribe with. Their services are quite very similar and they both offer Free Trials – Aweber and GetResponse

Start Your Free Trial Today!


Step-by-step tutorials are available on their websites.

4 – Traffic Sources

There are several traffic sources you can employ to your affiliate offers, but for almost immediate affordable results, we recommend UDIMI

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads
Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

Step-by-step tutorials are available on the website.

While there are other sources we will be adding in the near future, it is pertinent to refer you to the Master of all Traffic Strategies – “Internet Traffic Mastery”.

It’s a Must-Have if you want to really and quickly scale your business to sky limits.

Step-by-step tutorials are available on the website.

Traffic Secrets – FREE E-Book!

It’s like no other ‘traffic’ book out there.

Because it’s all evergreen strategy and long-term stuff
that you can use to build a list of buyers and followers in record time…

No matter what platform you use to drive traffic, including…
Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Podcasts and others.

Jump to the front of the line and pick your copy Now!

You can also ask for the audio version as well!

The book is FREE + a small shipping fee.

Click Here For Your Copy

The Fastest & Easiest ALL-IN-ONE Solution For Creating JAW-DROPPING Ebooks On Demand!

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But first, why does everyone need this tool?

Why Everyone Including you, Need SQRIBBLE

eBooks and PDFs have been around since the beginning of the internet. We’re talking over 25 years! They have been called by various names, such as lead magnets, guides, whitepapers, and reports. However, one thing is certain, they’re not going anywhere yet!

They have such a broad mass appeal because you can use them in numerous ways by all types of people in any industry.

Compared to making time consuming videos, eBooks are the easiest way to build an email list or create an info product to sell for profits, in ANY niche online.

From weight loss, personal development, DIY, finance, sports, business and more.

You can even become an instant author by creating an eBook for Amazon Kindle!

Thanks to Sqribble, you’ll now be able to generate high quality eBooks with automatic content to attract leads, clients and sales, with a push of a few buttons in minutes!

The 3-Steps To Creating Stunning eBooks, Reports and Whitepapers

1. Pick a template

Choose from 50 eye—grabbing designs across 15 profitable niche categories!

Each template comes with table of contents and professional page layouts
that convert readers into buyers!

2. Add Instant Content

Don’t have time to create content?

Just enter a URL and watch Sqribble automatically fill your pages with fresh, ready—made content! OR

Upload your own Word File, then sit back as Sqribble automatically extracts the content from the document and puts it straight into your new eBook. OR

If you are feeling creative, start from scratch and write content yourself, or copy and paste content directly into your Sqribble pages instead

3. Customize & Publish

Pick a color theme and customize. Then add, delete or edit pages, headlines, images, paragraphs, text blocks, dividers, buttons and links, features, bullet lists or call to action areas…

Hit “Generate” and you’re done!

In about 60 seconds you’ve just created an eye—grabbing, trust building eBook that’s ready to sell online…

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Click Here to Begin Creating Your Stunning & Jaw-Dropping E-books!

See Sqribble in ACTION!

Click Here to Begin Creating Your Stunning & Jaw-Dropping E-books!