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Location: Brooklyn NY 11234

Don't Let Your Dreams Just Be Dreams....I'll Take You There

Everyone That Believes......Receives

Make Money Online

Learn how to make your own first $10,000 / more online from scratch, with proven step-by-step methods

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Weight Loss Secrets

Discover the Unique, SAFE and brand New Scientifically Proven Techniques for weight loss within days!

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Relationship Success

Learn the Secrets of successful relationships, How to Get your Ex back, Save your relaqtionship…

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Health and Fitness

Find Natural Remedies & Treatments for varying Health Conditions – Diabetes, Pains,….

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Discover necessary basic skills your child needs to become successful in life. Learn from the story of story of the Light Bulb Inventor… 

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Vision Care

Find Proven number of natural ways a person can protect and improve their eyesight without the need for corrective glasses or other artificial methods.

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Dental Care

Learn the basic dental care to keep your teeth healthy, How to Prevent Problems and What to do when there are problems, to get your Smile Back

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Weightloss Videos

We feature different activities that lead to healthy weight loss when implemented – how to lose weight in a day, lose weight on your face….

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Hearing Care

Globally, hearing loss has been identified as the fifth (5th) leading cause of years lived with disability. Here, we look at the causes, care and solutions. 

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Meet Johnny Whittaker

Hi! Welcome to my site. My name is Johnny Whittaker. I am an Independent online enterprenuer with success, and an acute researcher into core niches of concern to 95% of internet users. I also got a team of experts in these different niches, who work tirelessly to identify, review and recommend best products for our teeming clients
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A few things we’re great at

We are actually great at everything we do because of extensive research, discussions & debates within our experts group before arriving at product selections and recommendations. We also consume some of these products ourselves – Make money online, Weight Loss, Health & Fitness, Relationship, Parenting, Dental Care, Vision Care, Hearing Care niches, ETC – See Above.


Make Money Online 

There are countless programs, offers, promotions, tips and trainings in the marketplaces on different platforms. Many more are also being released everyday. Some look very good and enticing with fabulous promises of success, but are only here today, gone tommorow. My team and I are on hand to cut-off the time-wasters and present you the shortlisted best.

Weight Loss Niche

Our research covers weight loss, fat loss, fat burning, lean belly fat, muscle gains, six pack abs etc programs.We bring before you the most up to-date and scientifically proven programs that match your needs and circumstances. My research include taking testimonies from people who have used popular products  in order to make informed recommendations

Relationship Niche

We recognise the many relationship problems and the many contradicting complex advice out there. Through research and case studies, we have identified & shortlisted satisfied customers’ chosen practical solutions and Advice Providers on issues ranging from how to save your relationship, how to save your marriage, Get your Ex back, Capture his heart  ETC

The Secret of Our Success

The secret of our success can be narrowed down to our research and investigation methods. Another success factor is the team of experts at Johnny’s disposal, without forgetting to mention that buying into some of the products for personal yuse provide first-hand experience compared to none.
Thorough research & investigation are carried out on every product we recommend
Team of experts in every niche enable informed decision on presented products
We go as far as buying and using most products ourselves, for group discussions, detailed reviews & analysis before we recommend them
We sometimes find celebrities who have used popular products and obtain their testimonies to motivate others in making decisionns


With the world around us ever growing smaller because of communication and the more complex our lives are becoming, leading to increasing hunger for information, Johnny Whittaker is positioned, along with his team, to provide as best possible, advice, tips, solutions that meet these demands.


Client Testimonials – Johnny Whittaker

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what a few of our clients say:


Johnny, thank you for recommending the best Affiliate System ever invented. It proved to be exactly what I needed at the most difficult and dying time of my life. It has changed my life forever. My family and I are forever indebted to you.


Company name


Dead worried over the ihealth implicatioins of my weight, yet with strong crave for food & chocolates, Johnny and the team gave me the perfect solution to my problems and now I can say with all confidence that am very fit and healthy.


Company name


I was at the critical point of quitting my relationship when I stumbled upon your website. The recommended offer of ‘How to Save your Relationship’ was spot-on. My relationship is now back on track and growing ever stronger. Thanks to you and your team.


Company name


“Numbers don’nt lie”, they say. With the need for information ever growing on issues affecting every part of our daily lives, more and more clientrs are finding us as one of the most reliable sources to find answers and solutions in our chosen niches



happy clients


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Our Team

Johnny Whittaker is surrounded by a team of experts & professionals in the carefully chosen fields of ‘making money online, ‘weight loss’ ‘health & wellness’, ‘relationship’, ‘pain’ etc. Please meet a few of them below.


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Contact us

We are easy to reach with a click of a button, be it for enquiries (general or specific), notifications or just chat to us.